You head deeper into the city, seeking the thing that has been taken from you. It comes in an unfamiliar form, but you will try to see it the way it once was, one piece at a time.


Cities: WASD movement, mouse camera control, ESC to pause.

Puzzles: Click and drag to adjust the camera, ESC to pause.

Note: The lighting and graphics are lower quality in this WebGL build. If you would like to view this project in high quality, please download the executables here.


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after the pink door it says "this is looking familar", then I see some bars, but no keys or mouse reaction. Nice gameplay so far, maybe try to make the cloudy fx in front of things so they don't intersect with geometry.

Hey, thanks for checking it out! What browser are you running this on? It seems to work as expected on Chrome. Also, if your cursor is outside of the game window, your input won't be detected.

That was Brave Browser on Windows. That being said, the iframe used on does often make problems, in that the game canvas may lose focus and be unable to regain it, despite being clicked, unless you specificly canvas.focus() it in code after a click, as well as set the tab index to zero..